Levi – Transformation (Luke 5.27-32)

Here are the questions for reflection for this week. These are intended to be used by individuals during their personal devotions or small groups, Bible studies, or Sunday School classes.


If you have any questions, comments, issues, or comments, please email me directly at mbarnes@discoverthejoy.com.


~Pastor Matt

  1. How do you imagine tax collectors like Levi were perceived by their fellow Jews in first-century Palestine? Why were they perceived this way?
  2. Jesus invites a despised tax collector to follow him, to be a disciple. How do you think this made Levi feel?  What do you think this communicated to other people who might have also been looked down upon in first-century Palestine?
  3. Read verses 28 and 29 again. Describe Levi’s responses to Jesus.  What do you think we can learn about following Jesus today from Levi in these two verses?
  4. What do you think of the Pharisees’ question in verse 30? Is it fair to say that many people today wouldn’t be able to ask the same question of us? Why or why not?  Who are we, as followers of Jesus, most known to eat and drink with (not who SHOULD we eat and drink with but who do we ACTUALLY eat and drink with)?
  5. Read verses 31 and 32 again. How should Jesus’ words in these verses influence the way we live today as individuals, families, and as a community?  What are some practical ways we can care more about “the sick” and help bring “sinners to repentance”?


Takeaway: Who is “sick” in your circle of influence that could use the cure that only Jesus can provide?  Reach out to them in one way this week.